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cases display as controls publication method (brief) method samples description
private data tutorial other computer generated CNVs 150 Sample CNVs (Controls)
private data tutorial other computer generated CNVs 150 positive controls
private data tutorial other computer generated CNVs 150 Sample CNVs
Ahn et al. (2009) other Illumina DNA sequencing 1 1 male Korean individual, SJK
Altshuler et al. (2010) SNP Chip Affymetrix Human SNP array 6.0 and Illumina Human 1M BeadChip 1184 1184 HapMap Individuals
Bentley et al. (2008) other Illumina DNA sequencing 1 1 male Yoruba individual from Ibadan Nigeria
Conrad et al. (2005) other Mendelian inconsistencies 450 450 HapMap Individuals
Conrad et al. (2009) CGH NimbleGen custom 42M oligo array CGH 450 450 HapMap Individuals
Conrad et al. (2009) CGH Agilent custom oligo CGH array 450 450 HapMap Individuals
Cooper et al. (2008) SNP Chip Illumina Human 1M BeadChip 126 126 control samples (HapMap)
Cooper et al. (2008) SNP Chip Illumina Human 1M BeadChip 9 9 control samples (Fosmid ESP Collection)
Gusev et al. (2009) SNP Chip SNP genotyping analysis 2906 2906 Islanders from Kosrae Micronesia
Gusev et al. (2009) SNP Chip SNP genotyping analysis 270 270 HapMap Individuals
Hinds et al. (2005) other Oligo arrays 24 24 control samples (Polymorphism Discovery Resource)
Iafrate et al. (2004) CGH BAC Array CGH 39 39 control samples
Itsara et al. (2009) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap300, Illumina HumanHap240S, Illumina HumanHap650Y, Illumina HumanHap550 BeadChips 1064 1064 Individuals from HGDP + 790 control samples from NINDS study
Jakobsson et al. (2008) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap550 BeadChip 485 485 control samples (Human Genome Diversity Panel)
Ju et al. (2010) other Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx 1 1 control CEU HapMap sample
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA18507, YRI)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA15510)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA12156, CEPH)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA12878, CEPH)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 ABC10_Yoruba
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA18956, Japan)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA18555, China)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA18517, YRI)
Kidd et al. (2008) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA19129, YRI)
Kim et al. (2009) CGH Aglient 24M aCGH 1 1 male Korean individual, AK1
Kim et al. (2009) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 male Korean individual, AK1
Kim et al. (2009) SNP Chip Illumina 370k BeadChip 1 1 male Korean individual, AK1
Kim et al. (2009) SNP Chip Illumina 610k BeadChip 1 1 male Korean individual, AK1
Kim et al. (2009) other BAC End Sequencing 1 1 male Korean individual, AK1
Korbel et al. (2007) other Paired End Mapping 2 2 control samples (NA18505 and NA15510)
Levy et al. (2007) CGH/SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K SNP Mapping Array/Agilent 244k CGH Arrays/Illumina HumanHap650Y BeadChip 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Levy et al. (2007) SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K SNP Mapping Array 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Levy et al. (2007) other Sequencing 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Levy et al. (2007) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap650Y BeadChip 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Levy et al. (2007) CGH Agilent 244k CGH Arrays 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Levy et al. (2007) CGH/SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K SNP Mapping Array/Agilent 244k CGH Arrays 1 1 control sample (HuRef)
Locke et al. (2006) CGH BAC Array CGH 269 269 control samples (HapMap)
Matsuzaki et al. (2009) other Custom Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays 90 90 Yoruban Individuals for Ibadan Nigeria
McCarroll et al. (2008) SNP Chip Affymetrix SNP 6.0 Array 270 270 HapMap Individuals
McKernan et al. (2009) other ABI SOLiD Sequencing 1 1 male Yoruban Individual from Ibadan Nigeria
Mills et al. (2006) other Sequence trace read mapping 36 36 control samples
Pang et al. (2010) CGH Custom Agilent 24M aCGH 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Pang et al. (2010) other Sequence trace read mapping 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Pang et al. (2010) SNP Chip Illumina Human 1M BeadChip 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Pang et al. (2010) CGH Custom NimbleGen 42M aCGH 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Pang et al. (2010) SNP Chip Affymetrix SNP 6.0 Array 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Pang et al. (2010) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (J. Craig Venter)
Park et al. (2010) CGH Custom Agilent 24M oligonucleotide CGH array 30 30 Asian Individuals (10 Koreans (KOR), 10 HapMap Chinese (CHB) and 10 HapMap Japanese (JPT) individuals)
Perry et al. (2008) CGH Agilent Custom CGH Arrays 30 30 control samples (HapMap)
Pinto et al. (2007) SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K SNP Mapping Array 776 776 control samples (506 Germans, 270 HapMap)
Redon et al. (2006) SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K EA SNP Mapping Array 270 270 control samples (HapMap)
Sebat et al. (2004) ROMA ROMA 20 20 control samples
Shaikh et al. (2009) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap550 V1 BeadChip 2026 2,026 healthy controls
Sharp et al. (2005) CGH BAC Array CGH 47 47 control samples (8 Chinese, 4 Japanese, 10 Czech, 2 Druze, 7 Biaka, 9 Mbuti, 7 American Indian)
Simon-Sanchez et al. (2007) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap300 BeadChip 272 272 control samples
Tuzun et al. (2005) other Paired End Mapping 1 1 control sample (NA15510)
Tuzun et al. (2005) other Paired End Mapping/Sequencing 1 1 control sample (NA15510)
Tuzun et al. (2005) other Paired End Mapping/Sequencing/PCR 55 55 control samples
Wang et al. (2007) SNP Chip Illumina HumanHap550 BeadChip 112 112 control samples (HapMap)
Wang et al. (2008) other Illumina DNA sequencing 1 1 male Han Chinese individual
Wheeler et al. (2008) other Sequencing 1 1 control sample (JD_Watson)
Wheeler et al. (2008) CGH Agilent 244k CGH Arrays 1 1 control sample (JD_Watson)
Wong et al. (2007) CGH BAC Array CGH 95 95 control samples
Young et al. (2008) other PCR 51 51 control samples
Young et al. (2008) other MLPA 51 51 control samples
Young et al. (2008) other MLPA/PCR 51 51 control samples
Zogopoulos et al. (2007) SNP Chip Affymetrix 500K and 100K SNP Mapping Arrays 1190 1190 control samples (Ontario, Canada)
de Smith et al. (2007) CGH Agilent 185k CGH Arrays/Agilent Custom CGH Arrays 50 50 control samples (French)

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